With a long-time yearning of creating something different, The FANchize Inc. (formerly Raptorfan.com) has made their name felt by bringing to life the dreams of FANS throughout North America. The FANchize has succeeded in bringing the relationship of FANS and ATHLETES to realms that many could have only imagined growing up. Through the likes of pre and post game player interactions, nationwide player/artist meet and greets they have honed in on what is now known as the ULTIMATE FAN EXPERIENCE.Bringing to life a new niche in sports and entertainment, The FANchize name has often on the tongues of those who read the Toronto Star, Globe & Mail, Metro News as well as CP24.The ability to engage athletes nationwide with FANS in the corporate world or aspiring youth has pushed back the SCORE of the game being the deciding factor on the definition of a GREAT NIGHT!Want to talk sports and entertainment? Our doors are always open for you to come in for coffee and a good chat. At the FanChize, you are not just attending an event. You are getting the #UltimateFanExperience!