Digpu News Network delivers a continuous stream of breaking news and information directly to its subscribers. ‘Free Voice With A Critical Edge' is what describes Digpu News best. We are looking at reinventing the idea of news at large. Our news service sets the standard for true journalism, accuracy, reliability, relevance and impartiality.With a national and international network of journalists, reporters, writers and bloggers, Digpu News Network covers all the significant stories from the categories like current affairs, politics, tech, business, finance, entertainment and health.A New Era Of News – Innovations, Positive Developments And Real IssuesWith the abundance of data and information in the world, people are now keen on self-growth, acquiring knowledge and increasing productivity. Most of them are already setting and breaking exceptional records in their respective niches. Often, most of the media outlets miss the real theme of the era- the positive news, the accomplishments and the innovations of individuals and companies in diverse fields. At a time where the very fine line between news and fake news has started to diminish, Digpu News Network aims at promoting innovators, achievers and force multipliers of positive changes in society.Impactful And Unbiased Journalism With many torchbearers in the industry leaning towards one party or the other, the media that was once synonymous with information dissemination, most of it has been reduced to just political analogies, hate-mongering prime times and exhaustive analysis of videos viral online. This motivated us to venture into journalism and start our own news network that is free from any bias, affiliation, gain or ulterior motive. The fuel to our passion is empowering meaningful and powerful journalism