Shubhakshika Educational Society was initiated in June 1993 under the Society Act of 1860 by professors of the Delhi College of Engineering and fellow school teachers. Aiming to empower and integrate the marginalized sections into the mainstream of society through social, economic, and emotional rehabilitation of women and children in vulnerable situations such as domestic abuse, substance abuse, beggary & Crime through camps and workshops and by procuring and distributing articles of basic needs to the needy. ~ Project 'After Release Education' for the children in conflict with the law, ensuring their admission/re-admission to schools and setting up classes for these children.~ Provide counseling for the emotional/mental wellbeing of the underprivileged and in-need individuals. ~ Set up an Open Shelter Home in Rohini, Delhi to provide care and protection to the children. The Open Shelter has rescued and successfully restored to their families more than 1000 run away/lost/missing children.~ Girl Child Project with a view to empower the slum girls who are ignored as liabilities. Every year 40-50 girls are helped to become self-assured individuals through a holistic program comprising education, soft skills, and vocational skill training.~ Medical Assistance and food were provided to families starving and in distress during COVID-19. Every day cooked food was provided to 250 people for almost two months, besides ration kits and medical kits.