Look at usual things with unusual eyes. Get curious, add simplicity, wit and mystic creativity till you get that one-of-kind design. This concept was envisioned by Aayushi Khandelwal, who constructed a scaffold in compliance with the ideologies of modern urban consumer. Taking up the role of a designer, she anticipated the need for customization in ubiquitous accessories and recognized that the present-day women wish to make informed choices in this regard. The prolific designer thus congregated with a group of like-minded people and a design house was born in October 2018. They aspired to create contemporary products with the finest aesthetic and a pragmatic approach. A meaningful name ‘AAVIRA' was picked up which means to ‘live a life beyond'. The title also symbolizes a thoughtful amalgamation of the names of its creative entrepreneur Aayushi and her loving parents. It is inspired by her own true vision of aesthetics, experience, and travel encounters.AAVIRA works on a minimal design technique which ensures that the layout is stripped down to its fundamental elements counting every detail. Each conception is then flushed with colors that are purposeful and trendy. The direct, simple typography fuses with Indian sensibilities, material, and craftsmanship producing a grandeur that is unparalleled in the industry of lifestyle accessories. The range of products includes bags, tots, belts, and wallets designed in luxury patterns for contemporary living.This visual aesthetics then arranges itself into fine functionality, bringing harmony into the fabrications of AAVIRA. The streamlined shapes with geometric details add up to the rhythmic expression in its time-honored design. Our productions gleam with an aura of Indianness. They abide in the commitment to sustainability and pursue globalization. We are an active design house for the keepers of style, creating inspirational yet authentic products for everyday use. We invite you to explore.