IIN Development Corp. is a consultancy group that uses a unique framework incorporating Inclusion, Infrastructure and Narrative to foster sustainable development in various environments, including: civic, not-for-profit, commercial, governmental, non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations. IIN Development Corp. will assist public and private entities, and community organizations, in their efforts to integrate sustainability into their operations. The IIN Framework leverages arts and culture to cultivate physical and emotional ties to a community by all of its members, while establishing sustainable development practices and vibrant sense of place. *Inclusion Principles: All community members benefit from sharing physical, economic, intellectual and emotional resources, regardless of income level. Residents should feel that their lives and interests are equally valued and respected.*Infrastructure Principles: Community capacity is enhanced through the presence of a versatile formal network of arts and cultural organizations and practitioners. This network will provide services, support and resources, to groups and individuals within the arts and cultural sector and the broader community.*Narrative Principles: Co-authorship of a compelling, evolving story can weave diverse cultures, groups and individuals together into a harmonious, convivial whole. This narrative should serve as a point-of-pride for residents, entice outsiders and establish a positive "brand" for the neighborhood.