Marketawy Digital Marketing Agency, helping businesses grow by acquiring leads and promoting brands via a host of digital platforms, including: Adwords, Facebook, popular social media channels, email marketing, custom web development & design, content and more.- Our clients' average return on investment (ROI) is under 30 days, reaching break-even on their marketing spend with Marketawy in under 3 months. This enables them to grow their ad spend every few months and in return experience exponential growth.- No lengthy contracts: Our clients are retained on a performance basis and not by a contractual commitment (1 calendar month notice). Our client retention rate is 92% over a year and 84% over 3 years - an unbeatable industry retention rate.- Marketawy offers a complete digital solution for businesses, with over 20 services offered, all consolidated under one account manager and centralized billing.- Easy-to-read and understand month-to-month itemized reporting. No hidden fees or mysterious "services". Visualise growth and performance across all the digital platforms in one simple, 50 data-point management statistics report.- Marketawy is a Premier Google Partner and managed by qualified Google experts who have passed DMM's high standards for operating clients' campaigns.- Marketawy is selective in the clients we take. Part of our selection process is evaluating the prospect's growth potential and account sustainability (hence the incredible retention rates achieved by Marketawy ).Contact us today to schedule a meeting so we can evaluate your business and requirements.