Abdou Dieye

store manager at Ria Money Transfer - Buena Park, California, United States

Abdou Dieye's Colleagues at Ria Money Transfer
Kevin Pimentel

Administrador Estrategico de Ingresos a nivel global

Contact Kevin Pimentel

Burak Aydinoglu

Regional Compliance and Risk Manager

Contact Burak Aydinoglu

Elizabeth Arteaga

Lider de equipo Cumplimiento legal

Contact Elizabeth Arteaga

View All Abdou Dieye's Colleagues
Abdou Dieye's Contact Details
+1 877-443-1399
Buenos Aires,Argentina
Ria Money Transfer
Abdou Dieye's Company Details
Ria Money Transfer logo, Ria Money Transfer contact details

Ria Money Transfer

Buena Park, California, United States • 2600 Employees
Financial Services

Ria Money Transfer, a subsidiary of Euronet Worldwide Inc., (NASDAQ: EEFT), is a global leader in money remittances. Founded in 1987, the company has grown from a single storefront in New York City, to become one of the largest money transfer companies worldwide. In the 30 years the company has grown its network to offer services in 160 countries through more than 400,000 locations.Ria offers fast, secure and affordable money transfers to millions of customers worldwide along with currency exchange, mobile top-up, bill payment and check cashing services in selected markets. The company is steadfast in its commitment to its customers and ingrained within the communities in which they live.The majority of Ria's network is comprised of banks, retailers, and small family-run businesses, although the company is also expanding its digital footprint. Customers can now send money online from the US at riamoneytransfer.com, in Spain from riamoneytransfer.es and in Australia via riamoneytransfer.com.au. Ria's parent company Euronet Worldwide, is a leader in processing secure electronic financial transactions. Through three business segments – Electronic Financial Transactions (EFT), epay Prepaid Products and Money Transfer – Euronet offers a diverse portfolio of electronic payment alternatives to customers in approximately 160 countries. In addition to global money transfer services, Euronet's product portfolio includes comprehensive ATM services, point-of-sale processing, and card outsourcing services, prepaid mobile airtime, and other prepaid content and mobile operator solutions.

Details about Ria Money Transfer
Frequently Asked Questions about Abdou Dieye
Abdou Dieye currently works for Ria Money Transfer.
Abdou Dieye's role at Ria Money Transfer is store manager.
Abdou Dieye's email address is ***@riafinancial.com. To view Abdou Dieye's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Abdou Dieye works in the Financial Services industry.
Abdou Dieye's colleagues at Ria Money Transfer are Kevin Pimentel, Armando Barajas, Burak Aydinoglu, Elizabeth Arteaga, Muhd Firdaus, Tejas Shetty, Jisha Sukumaran and others.
Abdou Dieye's phone number is +1 877-443-1399
See more information about Abdou Dieye