Science … Procession … Excellence These are not just words, but rather a mission; a reflection of a vision and a dream of an outstanding medical future, nourished by a strong determination to reach new horizons. This is not just an idea or a thought, AMSRA "Ainshams Medical Students Research Association " is a non-profit entity founded in May 2012 to mark and create a revolutionary change in the field of medical research.Our goal is to escalate clinical research education among medical students, enabling them to keep pace with the constantly increasing scientific breakthroughs over the world. We aim at nourishing the energy and creativity of Ain-sham students by providing them with the appropriate research trainig, as well as collaborating with international scientific societies and universities. We believe that improving students' skills and exposing them to different settings and experiences will help raise their capabilities, thus creating bridges between them and their professors, allowing the latter to better convey and share their expertise with those students. By improving clinical research we are cultivating and refining a better healthcare system in Egypt. With science we do not only contribute in the development our country, but we also build a new life for us and for the generations to come.