Inginit is a 27001 ISO certified company and a member of ESOMAR, Insights Association, and other global communities of the Market Research industry.For 10 years we have helped researchers collect, process, and analyze data with technology services. We are proud to support and deliver more than 50K projects in 30 countries across Consumer, Healthcare & Pharma, ICT, F&B, and other sectors.Services Portfolio-Market Research Services-SP/DP/Hosting, Advance dashboard, Interactive Tool Design, and other custom services.Data Science-BI, Big Data & Advanced Visualization.HOW WE DO IT?We are a group of highly skilled young professionals, we know the market trends and we deliver what is best for every client, big or small.Our enthusiasm is what keeps us moving forward, with the unchanging goal of 100% client satisfaction!WHY US?"We do what we know and we know what we do".We are fast, reliable, dedicated, focused, and ready to offer you the best you can get.