Health Pro Solutions first center in Faridabad was inaugurated in 2017. After great success, the second center started in Gurugram in April 2019. Health Pro Solutions has worked with devotion to helping patients manage their physical wellness through physiotherapy and rehabilitation.The physiotherapists at our clinic are qualified medical professionals with training in skillful physio-therapeutic techniques and are empathetic towards patients. They are aware that they are managing a human being who is going through a difficult challenge (physical, mental, emotional, social and/or economic) and not just treating the symptoms. It is vital to diagnose the cause of the problem rather than just address the symptom or an investigation report.At Health Pro, we believe that the skillful hands of a therapist together with compassion in the heart while treating our patients is the key to quality results and patient satisfaction. We believe in healing people with a scientific understanding of the problem in combination with creative skills of the hand and compassion of the heart