For more than 55 years, Thermotron has provided quality environmental test equipment. We’ve worked to establish a trusted reputation among our peers, and when people hear the name Thermotron, they have confidence in the testing of their own product. We’ve been building our name since 1962; now it’s your turn. Quality. Trust. Confidence. Build yours with a Thermotron. _____________________________________________________ Thermotron is a premier global supplier of test equipment and solutions including: environmental test chambers, HALT & HASS systems, vibration test systems, thermal shock chambers, combined environment test facilities, environmental stress screening systems, altitude chambers, functional test & measurement systems, and more. As a leader and pioneer in the test equipment field, each piece of equipment features our own instrumentation specifically developed for programming, controlling, and monitoring the test equipment and the product under test. An intuitive graphical user interface makes the software easy to learn and use. Thermotron equipment is supported by a global network of skilled service engineers capable of maintaining test equipment for peak performance and productivity. Our full range of service capabilities includes: system start-up and on-site training, equipment repair, instrumentation system upgrades and retrofits, preventive maintenance, warranty service, and ISO 17025-field calibration and certification.