Abdullah Syed

Freelance at Horizon Planning Group Inc. - Vancouver, BC, CA

Abdullah Syed's Contact Details
Horizon Planning Group Inc.
Abdullah Syed's Company Details
Horizon Planning Group Inc. logo, Horizon Planning Group Inc. contact details

Horizon Planning Group Inc.

Vancouver, BC, CA • 5 - 9 Employees

Top talent and companies use Webtalk to showcase, connect and collaborate. Webtalk is a global big data software technology company focused on relationship-based data mining, storage and search technologies to power the next generation communication and commerce utility. Using a patent-pending data labeling process, Webtalk has been able to reinvent online relationship management through a user experience unparalleled in the industry; creating an entirely new class of product to manage contacts, communication and content seamlessly. The company will quickly move into the online commerce industry using relationship-based, patent-pending, search technology as the differentiator, and Webtalk's proprietary affiliate software as the driver.The end goal is to create the first relationship-based marketplace for services and products that becomes THE destination to do business online.

Employee Benefit consulting Insurance brokers saas eCommerceTech
Details about Horizon Planning Group Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Abdullah Syed
Abdullah Syed currently works for Webtalk.
Abdullah Syed's role at Webtalk is Freelance.
Abdullah Syed's email address is ***@webtalk.co. To view Abdullah Syed's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Abdullah Syed works in the Internet industry.
Abdullah Syed's colleagues at Horizon Planning Group Inc. are Alexander Humes, Benedict Seanego, Doug Hulse, Allan Tolentino, Shreya Jhunjhunwala, Hare Peri, John Burbage and others.
Abdullah Syed's phone number is 604-639-7690
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