Abdullah Turgut

Vice President at Mega Metal - İstanbul, N/A, tr

Abdullah Turgut's Colleagues at Mega Metal
Ahmet Altay

İnsan Kaynakları Uzmanı

Contact Ahmet Altay

Omer Koc

Automation Engineer

Contact Omer Koc

Dilnaz Akbas

International Sales Executive

Contact Dilnaz Akbas

Saban Ayvaz

Elektrik Elektronik Bakım Şefi

Contact Saban Ayvaz

Cihan Sahin

Mechanical Maintenance Engineer

Contact Cihan Sahin

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Abdullah Turgut's Contact Details
Mega Metal
Abdullah Turgut's Company Details
Mega Metal logo, Mega Metal contact details

Mega Metal

İstanbul, N/A, tr • 500 - 999 Employees

Bakır tel sektörünün lider üreticilerinden olan Mega Metal, 30 yılı aşkın tecrübesi ile oksijensiz elektrolitik bakır tel üretimini Kayseri'de sürdürmektedir.Mega Metal, üretimini Kayseri'de bulunan 35.000 metrekare kapalı olmak üzere toplam 75.000 metrekare tesisinde yapmaktadır. Bakır tel üretiminde yıllık 48.000 ton kurulu kapasiteye sahip olan Mega Metal, ana faaliyet alanı olan süper ince bakır tel üretimi ile Türkiye'nin ve dünyanın lider kuruluşudur.Mega Metal, 2020 yılında ISO 500 Türkiye'nin En Büyük Sanayi Kuruluşları'nda 124. sırada yer almıştır. Türkiye'nin süper ince bakır tel üretiminin yarıdan fazlasını karşılamakta olan Mega Metal, başta Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri olmak üzere dünyanın dört bir yanında 30'dan fazla ülkeye ihracat yapmakta, çeşitli ülkelerdeki depoları ve ofisleri ile de müşterilerine lojistik avantajı sağlamaktadır.Mega Metal, as one of the pioneers of copper wires producers, continues its oxygen-free electrolytic copper wire production in Kayseri with over 30 years of experience.Mega Metal's production plant is located in Kayseri, which has an indoor area of 25,000 square meters and a total area of 75,000 square meters. Having an installed capacity of 48.000 tons in copper wire production annually, Mega Metal is both Turkey's and the World's leading company with its superfine copper wire production capacity.Since its foundation, Mega Metal has been among the list of top 500 of Turkey's Industrial Enterprises. It was ranked as 157th on the Turkey's Top 500 Industrial Enterprises in 2019.With covering more than half of the superfine copper wire production of Turkey, Mega Metal exports to more than 30 countries all around the world, and provides its customers with logistical advantages.

Mining & Metals
Details about Mega Metal
Frequently Asked Questions about Abdullah Turgut
Abdullah Turgut currently works for Mega Metal.
Abdullah Turgut's role at Mega Metal is Vice President.
Abdullah Turgut's email address is ***@megametal.com.tr. To view Abdullah Turgut's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Abdullah Turgut works in the Mining & Metals industry.
Abdullah Turgut's colleagues at Mega Metal are Ahmet Altay, Berna Kilic, Samed Onur, Omer Koc, Dilnaz Akbas, Saban Ayvaz, Cihan Sahin and others.
Abdullah Turgut's phone number is N/A
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