Commercial Director - MENAT Technical Support PTC Middle East
PTC is a world leading company specialised in the design and manufacturing of pile driving and soil improvement equipment, such as Vibrodrivers, Vibrolances, Piling Rigs, and Power Packs. Since its foundation in 1928, beginning with the invention of the poker vibrator, PTC has specialized in developing vibration techniques. PTC has played a leading role in the development of the vibrodrivers: it was the first company to launch the hydraulic vibrodrivers in the early seventies, the first to introduce the high frequency Vibrodrivers® and the high frequency Vibrodrivers® with controlled variable amplitude (HFV Vibrator). The recent integration into the Fayat Group, a world leader in compaction equipment and France's N°1 in steelworks and N°4 in building and public works, definitely gave PTC new thrust to continue developing innovations in foundation equipments, adapting solutions to the market and enhancing customer satisfaction. PTC has inlarged its product portfolio to answer the needs of five different market segments within the foundation's industry: - Free hanging piling - Excavator mounted piling - Piling rigs - Ground improvement