Our mission is to prepare students to excel in an information-based, technologically advanced society.\\New Technology High School is committed to leading educational reform.\Our program encourages students to learn through collaboration with family, business, and community. Students develop the resilience necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world. Their education at NTHS prepares them for lifelong learning, productive citizenship, and personal growth.\\Students learn in an innovative and professional environment fostered by the use of advanced learning methods and technology. Both staff and students understand the commitment necessary to implement a rigorous and relevant curriculum, one in which technology standards and skill development are embedded.\\Integrating education and technology has put NTHS in a unique position. In order to ensure success for both students and staff, funding for technological refreshment and skill development is critical. NTHS works alongside the New Technology Foundation to develop business partnerships, and run site institutes in order to meet our financial needs. At New Technology High School, the solution to ensuring continued success is self-sufficiency.