We work on CorePHP, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Drupal, Zend Framework, Wordpress, Magento, OpenCart, Ubercart, Smarty. We have experience in working on LAMP(Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP) Stack for Web Development and Mobile Apps. We offer professional PHP web application development and consulting services for enterprises, small to mid-sized companies and start-ups. As per our experience we have seen that most projects fail at Requirement Phase. If you are concerned about scalability, performance improvements or architecture, you can rest assured that our consultant knows the subject matter deeply and comprehensively. Core Competencies. We have an expertise in Zend Framework and so we highly recommend it. PHP is evolving very fast and most suitable programming language for any Web Applications. We will help you transform into cutting-edge Technology for your business. We can help you in Business Analysis, Requirements Gathering, Design, Documentation, Technical Design, Functional Design, Prototype, Code Reviews, Testing, & Deployment. Tools we work on - 1. Github/SVN 2. Zend Studio/Eclipse IDE 3. MySQL Workbench 4. PHPUnit 5. Jenkins-CI for continuous integration. 6. Cent OS as a deployment OS. 7. Cloud Computing using Amazon AWS 3) Core Skills – 1. Worked on Complex projects DB Design using EAV data model. 2. Developed Code Architecture for White Label Software. 3. Written code in PHP for Crawlers. 4. Developed various CMS backend for Mobile Apps including Web Services 5. Good working knowledge of Facebook API for Apps, pages as well as Twitter, Google APIs. Domain / Sectors Expertise – 1. eLearning / Education / School Management. 2. Healthcare / Medial Domain. 3. Email Marketing / Group mailing software. 4. Online-Retail / e-commerce 5. Content Management Systems. 6. ERP / CRMs for Manufacturing Sector. 7. Logistics / Shipping. 8. Property Solutions 9. Social Media. 10. Backend Knowledge Base Solutions for Hotel sector.