Junior Engineering at FOREVER DISTILLERY PRIVATE LIMITED - Deoria, Uttar Pradesh, India
M/s Forever Distillery Private Limited was incorporated on 06thFebruary 2020, with its registered office in Gorakhpur. The Group,overall, has been involved in Automobile Business in Uttar Pradeshfor the past two decades. Owing to Government's impetus on PetrolBlending Programme in India and in order to diversify the GroupOperations, the Company has decided to venture into manufacturingof Ethanol, ENA & By-Products.The manufacturing facility is located at Plot No A,Industrial Area, Usra Bazar, Dist. Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. The current capacity of the plant is 100 KLPD.The Promoters & Key Management PersonsFDPL management comprises of experienced and competent professionals.1. Mr. Tanmay Modi, Director on the Board is a CommerceGraduate. He has over 30 years of experience in the automobilesector. He is a leading name in the field of automobiles in UttarPradesh. He is leading the group by example with group turnoverexceeding 1000 crores.2. Mr. Anish Modi - Director on the Board is an Engineering Graduatewith over 30 years of experience in the field of business. His fieldof expertise includes IT, Computers and for last 20 years in the fieldof automobiles.3. Mr. Manish Kedia - Director on Board, a Fellow Member of Instituteof Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has over 26 years ofexperience in the field of consultancy, taxation, audit, investmentadvisory.