Abigail Dimmer

Direct Support Professional at Mainstream Living, Inc. - Ames, Iowa, US

Abigail Dimmer's Contact Details
(515) 243-8115
Ames, Iowa, United States
Mainstream Living, Inc.
Abigail Dimmer's Company Details
Mainstream Living, Inc. logo, Mainstream Living, Inc. contact details

Mainstream Living, Inc.

Ames, Iowa, US • 500 - 999 Employees
Mental Healthcare

Mainstream Living has provided community-based services for persons with disabilities since 1975. Serving individuals with disabilities and mental illness drives us to offer unique programs in a broad range spectrum. Mainstream Living focuses on participating, contributing, and living a full life in the manner most appropriate for each individual. We are the bricklayers in the path that support the people we serve, constantly making forward movement to fulfill our mission of enhancing opportunities, creating success, and fulfilling dreams. Staff longevity of service and experience at Mainstream Living and in the field of human services is unprecedented in the industry. This accomplishment allows us to maximize our efforts and helps lead to the success of those we serve. Our services are accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Services (CARF) -- a hallmark of service excellence. Mainstream Living Inc. has achieved a three-year accreditation, which is the highest level of accreditation issued by CARF.

Disability Services And Support
Details about Mainstream Living, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Abigail Dimmer
Abigail Dimmer currently works for Mainstream Living, Inc..
Abigail Dimmer's role at Mainstream Living, Inc. is Direct Support Professional.
Abigail Dimmer's email address is ***@mainstreamliving.org. To view Abigail Dimmer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Abigail Dimmer works in the Mental Healthcare industry.
Abigail Dimmer's colleagues at Mainstream Living, Inc. are Anna Puck, Hunter Pace, Macey Hofer, Dallas Monk, Angie Schoebel, Judy Schieffer, Christopher Roustio and others.
Abigail Dimmer's phone number is (515) 243-8115
See more information about Abigail Dimmer