Abigail Gilman

Administrator at Posterity Group - Ottawa, ON, CA

Abigail Gilman's Contact Details
Posterity Group
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Posterity Group

Ottawa, ON, CA • 20 - 49 Employees

The supply and use of energy are evolving due to climate change, policy changes, and technology innovation. Posterity Group is driven to help decision makers navigate this changing energy landscape by providing flexible, granular, and transparent information on energy end-uses.We work with our utility and government clients throughout North America to understand energy end-use within their jurisdictions and to support them in making informed energy resource planning, demand side management and policy decisions.Posterity Group Navigator incorporates over 20 years of end-use modelling and forecasting expertise to enable complex sectoral and geo-targeted energy end-use analysis, the exploration of possible futures through scenario development, and risk analysis by undertaking probabilistic modelling.

Policy and Regulatory Analyses & Support Energy End-use Studies Conservation Potential Studies Market Assessments Energy Management Planning Program Evaluation Measurement & Verification Energy Efficiency Engineering Training Program Implementation Support Policy and Regulatory Analyses & Support Measurement & Verification Facilitation Coaching Market Intelligence Low-Carbon Economy Carbon Abatement Strategy Program Design Technology Studies GHG Planning Energy Audits Measurement and Verification Policy and Regulatory Analyses & Support Measurement & Verification
Details about Posterity Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Abigail Gilman
Abigail Gilman currently works for Posterity Group.
Abigail Gilman's role at Posterity Group is Administrator.
Abigail Gilman's email address is ***@posteritygroup.ca. To view Abigail Gilman's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Abigail Gilman works in the Semiconductors industry.
Abigail Gilman's colleagues at Posterity Group are Anna Swanson, Chris Pulfer, Emily Kirke, Alex Tiessen, Austin Selvig, Brendan Dewalt, Dani Wannous and others.
Abigail Gilman's phone number is
See more information about Abigail Gilman