Multistate Energy Consumers' cum Producers' Co-operative Society Limited in-short 'Multistate Energy Coop' is a customized power generation cooperative designed to facilitate household energy consumers of Sikkim and West Bengal to produce energy to meet up its own energy requirements thereby, indirectly earning cash rebate of its annual energy cost of consumption up to 100% out of its revenue and generating perennial source of alternative income. Our mission is to harness the renewable energy resources for generation of electrical energy as a source of sustainable, reliable and perpetual income.Multistate Energy Coop., is established with the primary objective of developing renewable energy projects as well as initiating this noble concept of Alternative Free Energy (AFE). The objective is to enroll domestic energy consumers per household category in the primary membership to facilitate amongst members with Alternative Free Energy scheme. The AFE is a tailor-made socio-economic programme designed to promote energy consumers to become producers to meet up their own energy requirements thereby indirectly earning cash rebate up to 100% of its annual energy consumption out of its revenue. To promote AFE a model Kilowatt Energy Share Scheme (KESS) is a state-of-art programme designed by Multistate Energy Coop., which is the principal tool for providing ownership and investment plan.