The Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia confirmed that the requirements for the establishment and operation of an independent higher education institution were met, thus the University Study Centre Council passed the Act about the establishment of the College of Health Care Izola on its 22nd March 2002 meeting. After the Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia gave its consent to the introduction of the study programme Nursing Care (on 5th July 2002) the provisional senate of the CHCI invited candidates to enrol in the first year course. In the academic year 2002/03 the first generation of sixty students from all over Slovenia was admitted. The study process was carried out in the rented premises of the Secondary Nursing School in Izola. There were 17 contractual lecturers employed at the College. It was the financial support of the Littoral communities that secured the execution of the study programme as at the time the college was still without licence.In 2004/05 we started with the updated, undergraduate 3-year study programme of Nursing Care, which offers the graduates - nurses and health care workers - adequate knowledge and skills for an independent performing of their profession without preliminary probation. In 2005/06 the first part-time students enrolled. In 2007/08 we will admit 30 students to first year of the new study programme Nutritional Counselling - Dietetics.The College of Health Care Izola teaching faculty and staff guiding principles lay in the fact that students are not numbers, they are personalities, to be lead along the path of their education and qualification towards the diploma, with which they will become independent professionals. By doing so we hope - as all teachers do - to be surpassed some day.UP CHCI Dean:Ass. Prof. PhD Nadja Plazar