Immediate Past President Australiasian College for Infection Prevention and Control
The College is the peak body for Infection Prevention and Control professionals in the Australasian region. Our vision is to empower our members to be leaders in infection prevention and control. We commenced in January 2012 bringing together the various State and Territory infection control associations formerly in AICA (The Australian Infection Control Association) to support and encourage collaboration across Australasia. Our members are key decision makers in the field of infection prevention and control and include nurses, aged care workers industry professionals, scientists, academics and educators, policy makers, dentists, veterinarians, beauticians and tattooists.The College is a company, limited by guarantee and incorporated under the Corporations Act with its head office at 228 Liverpool St Hobart, Tasmania. It is also a registered charity with Australian Charity and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC) and is endorsed as a Deductible Gifts Recipient (DGR) from the 12th January 2012. Overall management of the College is vested in the Board of Directors (formerly titled Executive Council) supported by an Executive Manager and Secretariat. The Board is chaired by the President and the Executive Management Team (EMT) comprised of the President, President Elect and Past President. The Executive Manager and Secretariat attend all meetings of the Board and EMT.