Acorn Life Path offers a comprehensive financial and personal coaching program for FIFO workers and their families as well as Financial Education packages for employers to offer their employees.The program is designed to help clients to manage the money and stresses that often accompany working FIFO. This includes debt reduction, budgeting, personal financial management, communication and relationship coaching, setting personal and financial goals, and planning life during and after FIFO.Working with families over a 12 month duration, we create an environment to mentor and educate FIFO (Fly in Fly Out) workers and their families on how to Live for Today While Planning for Tomorrow, how to set and achieve Life Goals, find a Balanced Life and attain Financial Security.Financial stress is increasingly recognised as having an impact on workplace performance, health and safety, absenteeism and staff retention. These have a direct impact on the bottom line, and more employers are recognising the benefits of providing their employees with a level of financial education and support. Acorn Life Path provide Financial Education Workshops and Financial Coaching and Mentoring through companies who are committed to the holistic welfare of their staff.