ACTECH Software is a company based in Pondicherry. ACTECH's main business is providing technological services to different businesses. Currently the company is providing Mobility solutions for clients and businesses which cover Transportation, Field Force, Inventory Management, Medical, Consumer Products. ACTECH offers a full spectrum of innovative mobile technology solutions to a wide range of industries and business functions. Combining the best-of-breed applications and platforms, ACTECH Solutions implements and manages mobile solutions that are flexible, scalable and in sync with all business needs. ACTECH helps companies take great advantage of mobile technologies by offering end-to-end mobility solutions that ultimately create new, high and scalable opportunities for growth. ACTECH has invested many years of experience and efforts in successfully building many software products and solutions around data synchronization and mobile solutions. While studying the needs of our clients, we have come out with generic frameworks to address the specific needs of the clients. ACTECH's wireless solution provides seamless and affordable access to business critical information and makes anywhere, anytime access to information a reality