We want to broaden conversations surrounding adoption, in particular adoption from China. We are part of an ever-evolving group, now young adults who are tackling adulthood and all the trials that come with it. This page aims to bridge gaps in narratives and make information about Chinese adoption more accessible to anyone interested in learning about it. Adoption is a lifelong process. We want to create a space in which conversations about adoption grow alongside us to reflect our own entry to adulthood. We want to open up dialogue about what it means to be a Chinese Adoptee in today's world for those both within and without the adoptive triangle.There is no textbook method of dealing with or understanding adoption. People often refer to ‘the fog' which surrounds the minds of some adoptees. It is our hope that this page might act as a small port in the storm to those looking to digest and dissect adoptive identity.• Awards and Grants: Young Scot Award Winner (2022 Equality and Diversity); Creative Edinburgh Student Award (2021 winner); Awesome Without Borders (2021 Grant recipient); EUSA Student's Award Finalist (2022 Lasting Impact); Social Shifters 2022 Finalist.• Current collaborations: 404ink (author); Solus Productions (podcast series); Adoption UK (multiple projects including webinars and magazine);• Previous: BBC Radio Scotland (interview); FAME, under the UK's BEIS Governmental Department (talk and Q&A); Holt International (newsletter); The Herald Scotland (interview); LBC (interview); The Sunday Mail (article); CELCIS (blog); CCI-UK (panel); Philosofemme (podcast)• Upcoming: Contact if interested