King Engineering, Inc. strives to provide the best civil engineering solutions available to today's complex and challenging projects. We have performed exemplary design expertise and consultation on hundreds of projects for the past 30+ years. King Engineering's impeccable reputation in the industry and scores of successful projects are a testament to our high standards and excellent results.King Engineering provides the following complete civil engineering solutions:• Land Planning- Constraints mapping- Site Assessment Analysis- Development Master Planning- Tentative Mapping- Lot Line Adjustment Mapping- General Plan Amendment- Rezoning processing• Facilities Planning and Studies- Feasibility Studies & Cost Proformas- Water & Sewer Master Plans & Flow Modeling- Stormwater Master Plans- Hydrologic & Hydraulic Studies- Drainage detention/retention Analysis & Design- HEC & HEC RAS Analysis & Studies- FEMA (LOMR) Floodplain Modification- Grading & Erosion Control Plans- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans• Infrastructure Design- Grading & Roadway Improvement Plans- Stormdrain Improvement Plans- Water Improvement Plans (including pump stations and storage tanks)- Sewer Improvement Plans- Traffic Striping and Signing Plans- Traffic Control Plans- Construction Alternatives AnalysisKing Engineering is dedicated to successful project completion while meeting its client's schedule and budgetary goals.