"Innovative...truly original...flawlessly executed…ambitious, brave and non-traditional...this represents the future of our business." (PRWeek: Winner, Best in Creative Excellence)a-ritch-brand: a communications team with ri(t)ch experience, helping brands tell ri(t)ch storiesSome brands need a little direction. Some brands need a whole new direction. Some brands are well-oriented, and just need a guide who can take them to their destination. Adam Ritchie Brand Direction is an award-winning independent brand communications agency which helps them do just that — and enjoy the process of getting there.Our capabilities include marketing, media outreach, crisis management and creative development, to an international client base on four continents.Our mission is to bring out the best in brands by helping them grow, communicate and do the right thing.Category experience includes social media brands, food & beverage, natural products, health & fitness, retail, science & technology, toys & juvenile products, household products, nonprofits, automotive, travel & tourism, energy, paper, conferences, apparel and entertainment.We've been covered by business media from MarketWatch to the New York Times.