Providing specialist geological consulting services to the coal mining industry.Adam Stewart B.App.Sc, M.Eng.Sc, MAusIMM. More than 17 years experience in the coal industry. Main areas of expertise are geological modelling; resource estimation and reserving; exploration planning and management; mine geology and coal quality. He has nine years experience in estimating and reporting coal resources in accordance with the JORC Code and meets the criteria for a Competent Person under the CodeBrett McGregor B.Sc.(Hons), MAusIMM.More than 8 years experience in the mining industry. Main areas of expertise are geological modeling of coal deposits (including advanced block modelling techniques); resource estimation and reserving; mine geology and coal quality. He has 3 years experience in estimating and reporting coal resources in accordance with the JORC Code and meets the criteria for a Competent Person under the Code.David Clark B.E. (Civil)(Hons)More than 29 years experience with development and use of mine planning software. Main areas of expertise are geological modelling, especially of coal deposits, using both surface and block modelling techniques; resource estimation and reserving. Experienced with both MineScape and Vulcan.Dr. Stavros P. Kalaitzidis Ph.D, MAusIMMStavros Kalaitzidis is a coal geologist with over 15 years experience. He has extensive experiencein the field of coal R&D and a solid experience of the coal industry, from exploration to mining.