Austin Lawrence Gidon (ALG), together with our global partners Edison, provide investors with quality, in-depth and considered investment research on listed and unlisted companies. We increase your company's visibility and broadcast your message more widely to increase investor interest and improve your rating. All research is executed by highly rated, experienced and profiled analysts. Our model is designed for the regime of unbundled equity research:We increase your exposure to existing and potential shareholders through our industry-leading research and distribution, which we specifically target at investors who are under-represented on your register or unfamiliar with your company. Our free-to-investor product gains air-time and traction where the existing stockbroking model increasingly struggles. The independence and high quality of our research ensure that your exposure grows. With ALG, your share of voice in the competitive investor space, especially with emerging market fund managers, will increase.ALG has a keen insight into and a thorough understanding of which investors are the marginal buyers of stocks and, therefore, our research is distributed accordingly.