Andy Warhol once said that everyone would get their own "15 Minutes of Fame." We can give anyone those "15 Minutes."We are a Strategic Publicity Firm that plans and executes PR stunts. Our services range from "Rent a Crowds" to celebrity entourage experiences, among other things. We have been featured by "Good Morning America", "Univision", and "GQ", in particular.Crowds on Demand can organize any group, small or large. Paparazzi, Reporters, Fans, and Security Guards can all be arranged to spice up your vacation, promote your company, impress a date, or get the word out about yourself.Don't take our word for it! The prestigious Shanghai Travel Club has given us an award for being the "World's Best Luxury Lifestyle Experience". Media outlets worldwide have praised our unique concept, our attention to detail and most importantly the fun experience that we provide at every event.We have our headquarters in Los Angeles and operate in Southern California, the Bay Area, New York City, Las Vegas and Washington, D.C. Other locations are available by request.