Adam Tsapis

Owner/Executive Management at Summit Achievement - Stow, Maine, US

Adam Tsapis's Contact Details
(207) 697-2020
Fryeburg, Maine, United States
Summit Achievement
Adam Tsapis's Company Details
Summit Achievement logo, Summit Achievement contact details

Summit Achievement

Stow, Maine, US • 47 Employees
Mental Healthcare

Located in the beautiful White Mountains region of Maine, Summit Achievement is a licensed residential treatment center, serving adolescent boys and girls, ages 13 to 20, from around the world. Our innovative, outcome-focused program combines the best features of a wilderness therapy program with the best features of a special-needs boarding school. As an intentionally small, owner-operated program, we are guided by positive reinforcement and the power of choice. Through the process of engaging client-centered therapy with family inclusion, along with classroom academics and exciting wilderness expeditions, students experience the therapeutic benefit of outdoor adventure-based activities while learning to manage the demands of a more traditional environment.

Jewish Therapuetic Camp For Violent Children Wilderness Therapy Maine Lake View Sunset Summit Achievement 69 Deer Hill Rd Stow Me School For Troubled Teens Summit Achievement
Details about Summit Achievement
Frequently Asked Questions about Adam Tsapis
Adam Tsapis currently works for Summit Achievement.
Adam Tsapis's role at Summit Achievement is Owner/Executive Management.
Adam Tsapis's email address is *** To view Adam Tsapis's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Adam Tsapis works in the Mental Healthcare industry.
Adam Tsapis's colleagues at Summit Achievement are Andrew Farris, Nichol Ernst, Adrian Fiser, Caitlyn Cook, Nicole Fox, Anson Mcnulty, Ed Hawes and others.
Adam Tsapis's phone number is (207) 697-2020
See more information about Adam Tsapis