The goals of PUF are to:Provide gathering and ritual space for the pagan community by opening a Pagan Community Center .Promote awareness within the pagan community of groups, events, gatherings, and activities.Provide education on subjects of interest to the pagan community through hosting classes, seminars, and workshops.Provide public relations through community events such as public festivals and rituals, involvement in charities, particularly local ones.Facilitate networking through our website message and bulletin boards.Provide classes and workshops, taught/led by PUF staff and affiliates as well as space and resources for classes, seminars, and workshops taught/led by others in the community.Provide information through the creation and maintenance of a library containing books and other items of interest to or about the pagan community.Provide outreach to non-pagans, promoting positive public awareness and acceptance of the pagan community.Educate others about the pagan community through classes, seminars, and workshops.Engage in fund-raising activities as part of an ongoing capital drive campaign.