PEMNIA NATURALLE is a Start up Company which specializes in Food and Organic Body care Products. PEMNIA NATURALLE have two products line; The FOOD and ORGANIC BODY CARE PRODUCTS.Within the Food line, various products such as; Bean flour, Raw honey, Smoothies,Palm oil is produced.Within the Body care products, products such as; Acne treatment kit, Stretch mark kit, Eczema remover kit, Skin glow kit, Hair care treatment kit,Teeth whitener, Skin repair treatment, Caramel body kit, Fair skin kit, Lightening body butter, Scrubs, Cleansers,Toners,Baby glow kit,Flat tummy tea,Weight loss kit,Weight Gain kit,Dark spots Remover,Yellow tone body cream,And lots more is produced!MISSION;The Mission of Pemnia Naturalle is to make use of our glowing skills to create products that heal, soothes and cleanse our customers which gives them a radiant as well as a healthy smile.Pemnia Naturalle produces outstanding, nutritious food products and makes use of only organic extracts for our skin care products, no chemicals, no excessive use of materials, adequate measurements of mixing to make the skin attractive without side effects or damaging part of the body.VISION;We hope to become the largest and the best company providing perfect products for all skin and health problem as well as nutritious foods in the world and to create outlets all over the world in contributing to communities as well as serving humanity. To empower people who have interest in this field of business.