The Czech Fiscal Council is an independent expert body whose primary mission is to evaluate whether the state and other public institutions comply with the rules of budgetary responsibility set out by Act No. 23/2017 Coll. The activity of the Czech Fiscal Council also contributes to the sustainability of the Czech Republic's public finances and reduces the risk of over-indebtedness of the state.The opinions and reports issued by the Czech Fiscal Council serve as inputs for the Czech government, the Chamber of Deputies and local and regional authorities so that they can plan and implement fiscal and budgetary policies as accurately and responsibly as possible. In addition, the outputs of the Czech Fiscal Council are also useful for the general public. With their assistance, every citizen can get a better understanding of the state of public finances and the direction they are taking.The Office of the Czech Fiscal Council was established at the same time as the Czech Fiscal Council in accordance with Act No. 23/2017 Coll. on the rules of budgetary responsibility, to ensure tasks associated with the professional, organisational, administrative, personnel-related and technical realisation of the work of the Czech Fiscal Council.The Office of the Czech Fiscal Council has two principal subdivisions – the administrative section and the macroeconomic and fiscal analyses section, both directly accountable to the Head of the Office of the Czech Fiscal Council.The Office of the Czech Fiscal Council is an organisational unit of the state and an accounting entity. Expenses for the work of the Czech Fiscal Council and the Office of the Czech Fiscal Council are covered by a separate chapter of the state budget.