Business Studies Club (BSC) is a club from Business School by the students of Business for the students of Business. BSC takes on many projects, which are related to the School of Business with an aim to foster stronger bonds amongst the students in Business School, which will ultimately result in a huge Business family tree. Therefore, Business will grow together reaching for the skies as one student body, one Business School.The main committee members of BSC are the ones whom are responsible for the planning and putting together of events which are about to happen this coming Academic Year. They are the ones whom plant the seed in Business and will strive alongside the sub-committee members guiding them, with an entire heart for Business serving with pride, passion and commitment.Speaking of Sub-Committee members, these people are our hands and feet, making up most of our manpower for our events. A sub-committee member of BSC is an important role as they are the ones who water the seed playing that crucial role in the growth of Business.Last but not least, playing another crucial role in the growth of Business would be our Organizing Committee members being the ones helping the Main Committee members with the execution and organizing of the Business events. These people serve with just as much pride and passion with similar goals to bring about stronger bonds amongst our Sub-Committee members and Business School as a whole through our events.Therefore, be it a main committee member, organizing committee member or sub-committee member we are all under the same Business family tree, we are one big family." Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much " – Helen Keller