Senior Managing Partner at Rightsource Solutions - Naperville, Illinois, United States
Our BackgroundOur roots lie in the managed and call center services industries. Having built or contributed to various international outsourcing services organizations themselves, our management team set out to create a company that was Easy to work with; had Effective solutions to important problems; and an Exemplary service ethic. The result was Rightsource. Our CompanyRightsource is a new generation, internet based, outsourced processing company focused on providing Voice, Data, Research and End to End solutions to the Data, Accounting and Contact Center related industries. Founded on the principal that every company should have the opportunity to Unleash the Potential of Business through Outsourcing, Rightsource brings the power of outsourcing to small and midsize companies. Our ApproachRecognizing that many companies associate the concept of outsourcing with "off shoring jobs to a foreign destination in order to cut down on cost," we take a "new generation" or "client centric" approach to developing and promoting our offerings. We recognize that in order to incorporate outsourcing as a key business strategy, companies must overcome typical outsourcing barriers such as lack of knowledge, heavy upfront investments, long and complex sales cycles, inability to experience relatively quick benefits and more. Our Global Service, Local Delivery operations model provides clients with the ability to outsource domestic and globally, depending on comfort levels and objectives.