Chief Operating Officer at Adenike Selah Foods and Products Limited - Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria
Hello friend. This is Adenike Selah Foods and Products Limited's Page. The company is into processing and packaging of Shea Butter. Our brand of Shea Butter is called Shea Baby Shea Butter.Shea Butter popularly known as "Ori" in some parts of West Africa is a product that is used by the young and old. Mummies use Shea Butter on their baby's skin, women use Shea Butter for their hair, daddies use Shea Butter on their skin, the Spa Parlors use Shea Butter as ointment when massaging their client's...even the old adults use Shea Butter to massage their bones when they have arthritis.You want to place order for our Shea Butter today and help contribute to the growing economy of Nigeria. This is a Proudly Nigerian Company. Everything we use in the production and packaging of our product is Nigerian sourced. We are also a source of employment for some Nigerians.Our website: www.selahfoodsandproducts.comOur facebook handle @SelahFoodsOur twitter handle @SelahFoodsOur phone number: +234909 375 1330Thanks for stopping by today!