Inca de la infiintare - anul 2014, seriozitatea cu care au fost abordate angajamentele contractuale ne-au recomandat pentru noi colaborari fiind in permanenta orientati spre satisfacerea cerintelor clientilor.Activitatea principala se axeaza pe vanzarea de produse destinate productiei si mentenantei, produsele noastre fiind utilizate de catre clienti in domeniileindustrie, automotive si constructii.Suntem definiti prin capacitatea de a ne adapta cu rapiditate schimbarilor din piata iar odata cu dezvoltarea actului comercial, numele Elra Trading a devenit sinonim cu produse de calitate livrate prompt.Since its founding - 2014, the seriousness with which the contractual commitments have been approached have recommended us for new collaborations being permanently focused on satisfying customer requirements.The main activity focuses on the sale of products for production and maintenance, our products being used by our clients in the fields of industry, automotive and construction.We are defined by the ability to adapt quickly to market changes and, with the development of business, the name Elra Trading has become synonymous with quality products delivered promptly.