manager at Huskey & Associates at Huskey & Associates - Chicago, Illinois, United States
Firm Overview•Huskey and Associates, Inc. (H&A) is a national juvenile and criminal justice consulting firm with a 27-year established track record in conducting feasibility studies, program evaluations, technical assistance, process improvement studies, facility assessments, strategic planning, master planning and training. H&A has served as a strategic planning consultant to agencies located in 35 states, 169 jurisdictions and four tribal governments.• Bobbie Huskey has 41 years in corrections. She served as director of an adult male workrelease facility in Chicago, IL.; executive director of a non-profit corrections agency in MichiganCity, IN delivering Restorative Justice Programs for the Porter County Criminal Court; a clinicalsocial worker for a girls treatment center in Louisville, KY; trainer for the Virginia Division ofProbation and Parole; administrator for the Community Corrections Act for the State of Virginia;a family therapist in Richmond, VA; and a school social worker for the Chesterfield CountySchools, Virginia.•Bobbie Huskey has won national awards for her contribution to the corrections field, includingthe E. R. Cass Award for Outstanding Contribution to Corrections by the American CorrectionalAssociation; the National Association of Wardens and Superintendents' President's Awardfor Contribution to the Field of Corrections and the John J. Hill Award for OutstandingCommunications Achievement in gaining broad-based public support for the TennesseeCommunity Corrections Act.Recently published an article for the Journal, National Council on Juvenile and Family Court Judges on Trauma Among Youth in the Juvenile Justice System, how to assess and treat them and to design facilities that are trauma-informed.