In Greek mythology, Daedalus, the smartest of inventors, created an impenetrable maze. It was rumored that once a person entered the maze, nobody would be able to escape. But finally, a group of intelligent demigods entered the maze and were able to navigate their way through it. The maze was dynamic, ever-changing, evolving and they needed to be able to adapt to it.This isn't very different from computers today. Nothing ever stays static, except a java main function. Computer Science people have a key to the world written in 1's & 0's which is non-comprehensible by most other people. Labyrinth, the Computer Science Club of Christ University was created solely to give students a platform to display their talents as well as grow while having the opportunity of exploring various topics in the Computer Science world. Labyrinth holds a variety of events every semester, ranging from technical events like coding & debugging competitions, logical puzzle challenges, web development/designing contests as well as non-technical events such as fastest fingers, gaming and so on. The club can also hold workshops or seminars, conducted by industry professionals, on topics based on student suggestions.