PGT Commerce and skill subjects at Gaurs International School - Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
GAURS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, under the umbrella of Gaurs group of companies, are having more than 3200+ students from Pre-Nursery to XII in its seventh year. The school is nurturing students till class XII in their Sixth year now for which admission process is already ongoing."The School has won the award for being the "Top CBSE School in Greater Noida", presented by Education Today. Its aesthetically planned air conditioned classroom, and other state-of-the-art facilities like air-conditioned buses, well equipped Computer labs, Resource centres for Teachers & students, well-stocked library, all help in providing a congenial environment, conducive to teaching and learning. Its painstakingly planned facilities and infrastructure in the form of Art/Dance/Music Rooms, Special activity centres and so much more, hardly leave any room to desire more it.We are proud to announce the inauguration of Gaurs International Junior Wing from the session 2019-2020. Designed with child-centric pedagogy in mind, the infrastructure supports the ‘fun-with-learning methodology'. The concept of the school caters to the twenty first century learner - inquisitive and proactive. From the activity rooms to the Brain Gym, the Junior Wing fosters holistic development of the child ensuring sound health of the body, mind and soul. The School has also been a pioneer in initiating social campaigns like BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO and SWACCH BHARAT.