The Dream STEM Initiative (DSI), seed funded by the Donald A. Strauss Foundation, hopes to meet the need of a holistic service and become a pipeline for training the next generation of immigrant STEM professionals. DSI acknowledges that the identity of immigrant youth has historically been politicized and systematically dehumanized. These same youth are burdened with low college attainment rates and even smaller STEM degree attainment rates. There is a need for STEM and professional development programming for the immigrant youth community in California. In collaboration with Improve Your Tomorrow, DSI hopes to serve that need. The Dream STEM Initiative hosts five 2-week virtual At-Home-Coding camps. Each camp serves 15-25 youth, ages 12-18 from California. Each youth camp participant are given a programmable Edison robot, among other things, to learn code and will be invited to participate at our inaugural Hackathon in March 2021.