MISSIONBoston Youth Sanctuary provides a safe and nurturing environment where at-risk youth are encouraged to express themselves positively and gain sustainable coping skills that aid in academic, community and home life success.Youth that attend BYS After School Program will graduate feeling empowered and better equipped to face the challenges that arise in their daily lives.WHO WE AREBoston Youth Sanctuary (BYS) is a therapeutic after school program for youth ages 6-13 that have experienced trauma. BYS works with children and families from the Boston community providing clinical and case management services designed to improve youths' functioning in home, community and academic settings. BYS will work to address the needs of children across all life domains (school, home, and community) by wrapping them and their families in services in one centralized location.OUR YOUTHBYS youth are residents of Boston ages 6-13. BYS youth present with a variety of mental health diagnoses including but not limited to: PTSD, ADHD, ODD and a variety of anxiety and depressive disorders. BYS youth need not have formal diagnoses of PTSD; however they must have mental health diagnosis that is impacted by the trauma they have experienced. BYS youth come from a variety of academic settings and familial structures, and BYS is committed to meeting children and families where they are at.