Our business is about assisting companies in the Retail and Consumers goods sector build a competitive advantage in the market place. Our approach follows a set of fundamentals which we believe are the key ingredients to achieving business success with your customers 1: Identify where your team is at, right now – Benchmarking2. Point them in the right direction, with the right resources – Strategy3. Build their skills and knowledge to do the job – CapabilityWe are passionate about assisting our clients to achieve success through;• Developing and enhancing your Account and Field sales team effectiveness:o It is about "Being on your customer's agenda"• Applying our skills and knowledge from both your perspective and your customer's.• Going that extra mile by tailoring our solutions to your business• Delivering proven solutions which are practical and relevant • Sharing our experience from many years of working with leading companies across the globe.• We work with clients across a number of consumer goods channels which include: Grocery, Consumer Electronics, Hardware and Automotive Accessories.