Adrian Ionescu-Amsems

A/V and IT Support Technician at I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 16 - San Francisco, San Franci, N/A

Adrian Ionescu-Amsems's Colleagues at I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 16
Chris Dulmage


Contact Chris Dulmage

Adam Fry

Production Electrician/ Head Electrician

Contact Adam Fry

Will Felt

Audio Visual Specialist

Contact Will Felt

Joell Jackson

Audio Visual Specialist

Contact Joell Jackson

Wernher Goff

Production Specialist

Contact Wernher Goff

View All Adrian Ionescu-Amsems's Colleagues
Adrian Ionescu-Amsems's Contact Details
San Francisco,California,United States
Adrian Ionescu-Amsems's Company Details
I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 16 logo, I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 16 contact details


San Francisco, San Franci, N/A • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Who We Are Local 16 is part of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States and Canada (IATSE). The IATSE represents technicians who serve all parts of the entertainment industry. Since the birth of our organization over 100 years ago, IATSE stagehands and movie operators have been joined by a great variety of other crafts. Technicians and artists in motion picture and television production, product demonstration and industrial shows, conventions, facility maintenance, audio visual presentation, and motion picture computer graphics, to name a few, have all banded together to achieve the maximum unified strength possible. Our Goal Our goal at IATSE Local 16 is to represent workers in the San Francisco Bay Area, wherever they work, and to work to provide them and their families with benefits that can travel with them from employer to employer. With union representation, you could change jobs without fear of losing your health insurance and with a consistent retirement benefit, two of the basic necessities for achieving and maintaining a quality life.

Local 16 Local 16 Sf Iatse Local 16 Dental Insurance Iatse 16 Iatse Local 16
Details about I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 16
Frequently Asked Questions about Adrian Ionescu-Amsems
Adrian Ionescu-Amsems currently works for I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 16.
Adrian Ionescu-Amsems's role at I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 16 is A/V and IT Support Technician.
Adrian Ionescu-Amsems's email address is *** To view Adrian Ionescu-Amsems's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Adrian Ionescu-Amsems works in the Movies industry.
Adrian Ionescu-Amsems's colleagues at I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 16 are Chris Dulmage, Adam Fry, Robert Urban, Will Felt, Joell Jackson, Wernher Goff, Sandy Coleman and others.
Adrian Ionescu-Amsems's phone number is 415-441-6400
See more information about Adrian Ionescu-Amsems