Regional Sales Manager & Center of Excellence/Product Knowledge Expert
ENVEA Altech Environment U.S.A. is a global instrument manufacturer and systems integrator providing Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) and process monitoring systems featuring proprietary analyzers using NDIR, UV, Chemiluminescence, FID, FTIR, FTUV, TDL, Beta Attenuation, and Sorbent Trap technologies. ENVEA offers complete "built to spec" solutions for EPA compliance and process control for industrial, electric utility, ambient, and particulate applications. New for 2020: Sales and service of SWR systems for the bulk solids handling industry: measurement and monitoring of powders, granules, and dust. These systems and products provide solutions for mass flow, moisture, velocity, level, concentration, and particle size monitoring. ENVEA also manufactures a full range of dust measurement products for specific process conditions found in industrial applications: continuous particulate emission monitors, filter performance monitors, bag leak detectors, and sensors for industrial process. And as always: ENVEA provides complete engineering services, technical support, and parts for our products and systems.