Trusted Concierge, Support and Safeguarding Solutions from AGS Support enable organizations across England to deliver Supported Housing services to vulnerable persons in need. Customers depend on our fully managed Solutions delivered by highly trained and experienced staff 24x7x365, enabling priority focus on their Supported Housing provision for Young Adults, Women & Families, Homeless, Ex-Offenders, Teen Parents, persons with Complex Needs (Substance misuse, Mental Health, Disabilities) or at risk of domestic violence. AGS Support's specialist managed Services are: Concierge Services | Mobile Concierge Services | Night and Day Support Services | Bank Worker ServicesAll of our Services can be configured into bespoke Solutions to meet your organization's unique needs: Like a Hub & Spoke combining Concierge and Mobile Concierge services Services for specific age groups - 16-25 Young Persons (YP), or Adults or both Night and Day Support services for Waking Nights, Night Cover, Front of House / Reception, Floating Support Bank Worker services for general cover, Coaching or Team Lead roles Or a Staffing Bank of available resourcesOur Customers see us as a value-adding partner, working together with community, government and 3rd parties, supported by our comprehensive management structure and system, to ensure reliable, safe and cost-effective service delivery 24x7x365. If your organization needs a partner or is facing challenges providing Supported Housing care, support or housing services – a fully managed Solution from AGS Support can help solve:• Difficulty with Staff Unreliability, Sickness, Attraction and Retention, Holidays• Complexity of managing in-house and temporary staff • Continuity of service with inconsistent staffing• Escalating costs, limited budgets and decreasing Quality of Service• Multiple dispersed sites with different needs• ‘Unpopular' night shifts / long hours• Emergency cover at short notice• Volatile capacity demands