Adrienne Hamann

Advisor, US Operation at Study in the USA - Seattle, Washington, United States

Adrienne Hamann's Contact Details
["(425) 564-3185"]
Study in the USA
Adrienne Hamann's Company Details
Study in the USA logo, Study in the USA contact details

Study in the USA

Seattle, Washington, United States • 11 - 50 Employees
Education Management

StudyUSA Global is the world leader in connecting international students with North American colleges, universities, ESL programs, and secondary schools via the award-winning Study in the USA magazines,,,, and sites. StudyUSA Global publishes admissions magazines and websites for students, their parents, and advisors seeking information about North American education. The Study in the USA magazine was the first of its kind when it debuted in 1977 and remains the leader in the field. We publish 6 editions of our annual magazines, our websites contain profiles of hundreds of quality American programs in 14 languages. only accepts listings from schools, universities, institutions, and programs that meet the highest standards of integrity, excellence in education, and service to international students.

Details about Study in the USA
Frequently Asked Questions about Adrienne Hamann
Adrienne Hamann currently works for Study in the USA.
Adrienne Hamann's role at Study in the USA is Advisor, US Operation.
Adrienne Hamann's email address is *** To view Adrienne Hamann's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Adrienne Hamann works in the Education Management industry.
Adrienne Hamann's colleagues at Study in the USA are Nicole Wang, Charles Varghese, Abhay Singh, Ahmed Mohamed, Sutton Long, Miraj Bashir, Lyndsay Burley and others.
Adrienne Hamann's phone number is ["(425) 564-3185"]
See more information about Adrienne Hamann