Diversity in Action is a print and digital magazine and website that reaches STEM professionals and students who are women, African American, Hispanic, Asian and Native American; veterans and active military; people with disabilities; members of the LGBT community, or members of other diversity groups. But beyond that, the magazine explores diversity of thought and innovation. In six bi-monthly issues and two special issues, Diversity in Action highlights the achievements of current and future members of the diverse STEM workforce, from high school to the C-suite. Articles report on many aspects of STEM diversity: we focus on workplace diversity policies, profile leaders in STEM fields, examine the role of STEAM, plus we feature articles on grad school, internships and co-ops and other topics aimed at STEM students and recent grads. Diversity in Action profiles STEM diversity leaders, successful STEM pros and students, reports on STEM-related community activities, brings readers news of professional technical societies with a diverse focus, and more.