Director of Programs and Services at SOS Childrens Villages Illinois - Chicago, Illinois, United States
SOS Children's Villages Illinois is a nonprofit childcare agency that serves Illinois' most vulnerable children and families. The model of care employed by SOS Children’s Villages Illinois is part of a 62-year international tradition utilized by over 500 SOS Children’s Villages in over 132 countries worldwide. Our model differs from traditional foster care in emphasizing that children:1. Live together with their siblings2. Receive care and support from a full-time, professionally trained foster parent3. Grow up in private, single-family homes4. Benefit from the support of the Village, designed as an intentional communitySOS Children's Villages Illinois opened its eighteen-home Lockport Village in 1993. The Lockport Village is home to the Sibling Foster Care Program and the Transitional Living Program. The Lockport Village is currently operating at over 80% capacity. In 2004, SOS Children's Villages Illinois opened the sixteen-home Chicago Village in Chicago's Auburn-Gresham neighborhood. This Village was the first urban SOS Children's Village in the world. The Chicago Village is serving more children than ever before; today, 70 children call the Chicago Village home. In 2011, SOS Children's Villages Illinois acquired Casa Tepeyac in Chicago's Back of the Yards neighborhood. This short-term residential facility serves 95 young men and their families each year, as well as provides in-home family services and parenting classes to over 200 families annually.